Barksdale AFB Small Business Vendor Fair
SAVE THE DATE February 25, 2025
The Barksdale AFB Small Business Vendor Fair is the perfect opportunity to market your supplies and services directly to the 350+ current Government Purchase Card cardholders on Barksdale Air Force Base, as well as the 2d Contracting Squadron and other local purchasing agency personnel.
*GPC cardholders at Barksdale AFB average 20,000 purchases per year.
*2CONS and GPC cardholders spent $61.3M in purchases in 2023, with $54.8M awarded to small businesses (89.44%).
What are Government Purchase Cards and what can they buy?
Government Purchase Cards are credit cards assigned to Barksdale Air Force Base’s designated military personnel for the purpose of purchasing items and services for their unit or squadron. Cardholders may purchase (per transaction per day) up to:
$10,000 in products
$2,500 in services
$2,000 in construction
$25,000 and under with three quotes
Purchased items must be designated as approved for mission support. Items approved for mission support are any item or service purchased for non-personal use which are necessary for the operations of the base.
What does Barksdale buy? Some examples are: automotive parts and repair, batteries, computer accessories/classes, decals, electrical supplies, floor mats, cleaning solvents, promotional items, safety equipment, trophies and plaques, various repair services (HVAC, locks, painting services), etc.
All you have to do to sell to these customers is accept Mastercard.
New this year: Several of the $360M 9-year base construction awardees will be on hand looking for businesses to subcontract out such services for: Demolition, Abatement, Concrete, Paving, Landscaping, Structural, Fabricators, Door and accessory suppliers, Roofing, Interior finish contractors, Mechanical, Plumbing, Utility, Electrical, Fire protection and more. (Spaces for service providers are LIMITED and on a first come basis.)

What is included in my registration?
Only businesses that have registered and paid for a booth will be allowed to enter the vendor expo. Booths will be assigned on a first-come, first served basis WHEN FULL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED and SECURITY FORMS ARE RETURNED. DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Thursday, February 6, 2025. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Small Business booth $175 (includes one lunch)
Other than Small Business booth $350 (includes one lunch)
There is no limit to the number of participants you have at your booth, but extra lunches are an added $15 each
Size standards are determined by your primary NAICS codes. If you are unsure, please contact Jennifer Whittington at [email protected] or text 318-422-0177 for assistance.
Your registration will include: one box lunch courtesy of Firehouse Subs, a space of approximately 8’x 8’ consisting of one rectangular table with cloth and skirt, two chairs, and one pre-printed business name sign. Additional lunches may be purchased for $15 each. You may purchase an additional booth space, either side-by-side or front-and-back to create a larger space, during registration. This option will be provided as space allows and at the discretion of the event coordinator.
The Barkdale AFB Small Business Vendor Fair is a showcase opportunity created to put businesses directly in front of the buyers. Please bring samples, visual aids, line sheets, etc. of your products and/or services, but no sales are allowed during the Expo.
*An optional virtual seminar series, the “Barksdale AFB Vendor Boot Camp”, will be scheduled for late January and early February to prepare vendors for the event. Please visit our events page to register for one or all of these workshops.